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  • The AllergiEnd® System
    Add the top ancillary service to your practice today.

Allergic disease is a growing crisis in the United States. More than 60 million Americans suffer from an allergic disorder, yet only 3,000 practicing allergy specialists can address that demand - until now.
With AllergiEnd®, primary care practitioners, including pediatricians, screen, test, and treat patients for allergies in their offices, improving clinical outcomes and increasing practice revenue. Our test is FDA-cleared, easy-to-administer, needle-free, and designed for administration in primary care settings, with results in just 15-20 minutes. 

The AllergiEnd® Three Step System


Easy to use digital assessments are completed by patients from the comfort of their home or waiting room, providing physicians valuable insights through an intuitive dashboard into their patient's allergy symptoms.


AllergiEnd®  testing kits were designed with the primary care setting in mind. These needle-free, virtually painless tests are FDA-cleared and easy to administer by physicians and medical staff, providing results in just 15-20 minutes.

Discover the AllergiEnd® Advantage


Treat the root causes of patient's allergy suffering through immunotherapy treatments. Two forms of treatment are available, including allergen immunotherapy injections or convenient sublingual drops.

The AllergiEnd® Advantage

  • Ongoing and complimentary customer support and care
  • Exclusive access to AllergiEnd® University
  • Direct access to AllergiEnd® staff and support teams, including support for billing teams
  • Invitations and special discounts to attend CME events in partnership with accredited medical schools with certificates of completion
  • Marketing support for your practice, including promotional materials for your waiting room and digital assets
  • Access to allergy specialists for treatment advice

Improve Clinical Outcomes

Now more than ever, primary care physicians are at the frontline of patient care. With more than 50 million Americans suffering from allergies, you can improve clinical outcomes for your patients by offering allergy testing and treatment to your practice today.

Increase Practice Revenue

Generate new, recurring practice revenue with our safe, in-office allergy testing and treatment system. Screen, test, and treat with three opportunities for reimbursements through proven CPT codes.

Expand Your Services

We designed the AllergiEnd® screen, test, and treatment system for the busy non-allergist in a primary care setting. AllergiEnd® provides relief and treatment for patients who suffer from non-life-threatening but problematic allergies.

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