• Improve Clinical Outcomes

    With AllergiEnd®, physicians can treat the root causes of allergy suffering and provide safe, proven, and long-term relief for patients in need. 

More than 50 million individuals in the United States suffer from allergies.

The AllergiEnd® System is a patented, highly-esteemed, user-friendly allergy testing and treatment program designed with the non-allergy health professional in mind. It allows medical practitioners to quickly and accurately diagnose and treat patient allergies in their own offices without the need for third-party referrals. The test is easy to administer, and the results are complete in 15-20 minutes. The physician can then decide whether the patient should receive in-office treatment or a referral to a board-certified allergy and immunology specialist.

“It is more important now than ever before that primary care physicians begin more detailed diagnosis and treatment of their allergy patients in their medical practices.”

Fred Pullen, M.D.

Professor, vol., Otolaryngology at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Do your patients feel like this?

If your patients report symptoms like itchy/watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose, congestion, frequent ear infections, sore/itchy throat, asthma, wheezing, coughing, chronic bronchitis, itchy skin, rashes or hives, allergies might be the cause. 

Quickly and easily assess and test for allergies to get your patients back to doing what they love. Allergy symptoms include:

    - Nasal Itching or Irritation

    - Nasal Discharge, Sneezing, or Congestion

    - Itchy Eyes, Ears, or Palette

    - Fatigue, Weakness, Malaise, or Irritability

    - Decreased Appetite

Get your patients back to doing the things they love, with the ones they love.

AllergiEnd® empowers physicians to identify allergies and begin treatment almost immediately. In the United States, Allergic Rhinitis results in 3.5 million lost workdays and 2 million lost school days annually. Approximately 16.7 million physician office visits each year are due to allergic rhinitis. A study comparing the quality of life between allergy patients and a control group found significantly lower scores for allergy patients on overall life quality of life measures, such as social functioning, role limitation, mental health, fatigue, and even pain.

Immunotherapy is a highly effective, long-term treatment for:

    -  Animal Dander and Feathers

    -  Insects and Dust Mites

    -  Mold, Grass, Trees, Plants, and Weeds